Bengaluru : The Karnataka city crime branch on Saturday arrested three chain snatchers and recovered 18 gold chains weighing 1.9 kg from them. Sandeep Patil, Joint Commissioner of Police (Crime), said the gang operated in Bengaluru and sold robbed jewels in other districts of Karnataka and disposed them off in neighbouring states. The gang targeted lonely women in the city and robbed their gold chains. By arresting the gang 18 cases of chain snatching have been solved. The police have arrested a potential buyer of the robbed goods from Hiriyur in Chitradurga district. The chain snatchers committed crimes in KR Puram, Mahalakshmi Layout, Yelahanka Newtown, Banashankari, Mico Layout, Hebbal, Byappanahalli, Byatarayanapura, Sadashivanagar, Peenya, Subramanyanagar, Yeshavanthpur and Viveknagar police station limits. The police were on lookout for the gang since 2016. Get the latest updates in Hyderabad City News , Technology , Entertainment , Sports , Politics and Top Stories on ...